I liased all details with Bevlyn over the phone prior to the wedding and met her only 30mins before the 1st guest arrived. I was simply too busy to meet her up before that day.
The Band was certainly very obliging to my every request. The band played all the Mandarin shanghai jazz favourites with ease, as well as the English evergreen songs and the contempory songs that I requested. When I requested for Bevln to be dressed in a cheongsum for my Shanghai Chic dress theme, she gamely agreed without even looking at the cheongsums first. She even took the time and effort to travel to my store at Marina Square for the fitting.
Bevlyn also doubled as the night's emcee. I didn't give Bevlyn any scripts nor programme schedule. Just very impromptu. Bevlyn had to come up with last minute lines and cope with last minute changes throughout the evening. Fortunately she is experienced enough handle any situation.